Please join the discussion and comment below – we’d love to hear what you think about any of these subjects!
- Is sacrificing Life Extension therapy (LE) a metaphor for the the prices parents pay for having kids today?
- Do what extent do we owe our parents for the sacrifices they made to raise us?
- The book suggests unequal parental sacrifices leads to conflict in relationships. Do you agree?
- Is it possible to make equal contributions to parenting given biological imperatives skew towards women?
- The book suggest in a society with LE, women would be expected make the sacrifice to become parents. How many men do you think would give up extended life to become fathers?
- Have you had psychotherapy? If so, does the novel’s portrayal ring true for you? If not, having read the book, would you be more or less likely to consider it?
- The book suggests that, even in the future, robots and AI will not be effective substitutes for human psychotherapists Do you think technology could ever replace humans in this area?
Other Questions
- What do you think the world will look like in 100 years’ time?
- What do you think of how the family managed their relationships? Which especially resonated with you?
There are more questions for readers on the Characters page
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